Friday, September 2, 2016

BULLY: Recommended Book About Bullying and How to Handle Being Bullied


The other day, I had dinner with a friend who told me that when he was a youngster, he used to be mercilessly bullied by other kids. Turns out that is something with which I could personally relate because I have been affected by bullying throughout my life. So we chatted about that and we even talked about how Donald Trump, the 2016 US presidential nominee is supposedly the biggest bully ever.

It was an interesting talk for what it was worth and after, I put it out of my mind for the rest of the evening but the next day, I found myself writing about this topic and within 24 hours, I had completed a book called BULLY: It's Not Just Trump.

Because guess what? I realized that the world has become (as my friend Elizabeth so elequently put it when I subsequently spoke with her about the matter) "A cesspool" of intimidation.

Bullying is a problem not just on school yard playgrounds but even in close interpersonal relationships like marriage. On Divorce Saloon, a recent post poses the question about DIVORCING A BULLY.

I don't know what number book this makes in my "write 100 book challenge" but BULLY is now live on Amazon.  Be sure to pick up  a copy on Kindle or in paperback.

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