Sunday, August 28, 2016

Not Making Any Sales of Your Kindle Book After All Your Efforts? The Importance of Keywords on Kindle for Self Publishers of e-Books


Not Getting Any Sales on Kindle for Your e-Book? Are you making the same mistake I was making, per chance?

I just discovered a mistake I have been making with publishing books in Kindle's digital marketplace. Apparently, I have been inept at choosing keywords to describe my books. My personal mistake is that I use all these one-word keywords rather than a combination of word strings. So instead of saying, for example "books about divorce" I would just write "divorce" as a keyword.

A friend alerted me today that this is a big mistake. He told me that people don't search using just one word. The search using a word string. So he says that I have to discipline myself that each time I write a description of my book on Amazon, that I have to use a word string as the keyword. And Kindle allows you up to 7 keywords. So this would be 7 keyword word strings.

Wow. No wonder I haven't been selling a lot of books!

So I went in and changed a bunch of kywords for most of my books. Of course now the books are in review for 12 hours so that will kill 12 hours of potential sales. But oh well. Let's see if this modification changes anything.


Check out my latest paperback

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