Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Recommended Book For Lawyers in Private Practice



Read this essential book for lawyers written by a lawyer, that every young lawyer and lawyers in private practice should read:

The Divorce Lawyer’s Toolkit: Your Secret Weapon For Getting Ahead of the Competition was written by a lawyer for lawyers – especially those who are in private practice and are in the beginning years of their careers. This is an essential book for lawyers that every young lawyer should read.

Let’s face it, lawyers are a dime a dozen on every block in every city in every neighborhood in every state in the country. Actually, there is a glut of lawyers in the world. Everybody and their brother Jimmy is a lawyer. So the competition is fierce. How do you stand out and distinguish yourself from the herd? Well, naked lawyers stand out but they are not very distinguished and they certainly aren’t going to bag those clients. So you need to think differently but not so differently that you make a jack ass of yourself.

What Marion TD Lewis attempts to do with this book is not to solve all your business development problems  with one book but to offer you another good resource in your toolkit to help you succeed in your career and your law practice.

The truth is that building starting and sustaining a practice is not easy. It takes hard work, planning, patience, good support and the right tools.

This book will help you. It is a good tool devised specifically for you to help you succeed – if you are serious about your success. Read it and digest it and put the ideas into action. You will see the transformation. You will see the magic.

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